Astana, September 1st: Today, in a speech delivered at the opening of the 3rd session of the Parliament in Astana, Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev outlined recent successes and underlined tasks for the rest of the year.
„We have met all our obligations in terms of social security” said the President. „Over 5000 investment projects are under way in country regions, with 393 000 new jobs created. As a result, the real monetary income of the population has augmented in the first half of 2009. For the past decade annual monetary income of Kazakhstan’s population has grown on average five times.”¦
„We have halted downward trends in the economy. Notably, industrial production output in Kazakhstan grew by 3.1% in the second quarter of this year, as compared to the first quarter.
„For January to July” continued the President, „the gross agricultural produce grew by 2.8% against the same period of 2008. Farmers have received over KZT 63 billion in State subvention. These subsidies enabled them to succeed in their sowing campaigns and increase areas under crops by 1 million 600 thousand hectares.
According to President Nazarbayev the entire financial system in Kazakhstan has been stabilized. „For the first seven months of this year, investments into the Kazakh economy grew by 7% on 2008. S&MBs’ production output grew by 19% in the first quarter of 2009 as compared to the first quarter. These businesses have created 4,700 new jobs.
„Now, our first task is to draft the programme of the nation’s development through to 2020″¦” continues the President. „This is the next step in implementation of the „˜Kazakhstan 2030 Programme’. The Government should consider legislation regulating industrial policy as a top priority. Another economic priority is development of national agriculture.
„The second task will be the strengthening of stability and the competitive edge of the country’s financial sector. We have to strengthen financial supervision bodies, amend legislation regulating the insurance market and ensure greater efficiency of the legislation on budgeting.
„The third task is drastic enhancement of the business climate. Works should continue to ensure greater Kazakh content in government and corporate purchases.
„The fourth task is to render wider social support. Special assistance should be offered to young specialists ready to work in rural areas. The Parliament should also work on further implementation of the Road Map Programme of Country Regions Development”¦ The initial task was to reach every village and every family therein”¦ We are also witnessing large-scale works to renew housing and utilities, repair roads, construct schools, kindergartens and hospitals”¦
„The fifth task will be the further democratization of Kazakh society”¦ We need to raise people’s confidence in the judicial system, its transparency and efficiency”¦ I am instructing the Government to draft and submit for the parliament’s consideration draft laws on tackling corruption, on expert appraisal of legislation, on lobbying, on wider use of e-government capabilities. „¦
Concluding his address, President Nazarbayev said that „The year to come is of special significance to our nation. Kazakhstan will chair the OSCE. This mission is a huge responsibility and a great opportunity. This chance to study work practices of the OSCE member countries’ parliaments should not be wasted”¦ We should upgrade lawmaking process, bringing it closer to European standards. Our common duty is to ensure that Kazakhstan copes with the responsibility and strengthen its weight in international politics.”
September 1, 2009